GRAPE - GRAph Parallel Environment


GRAPE is a Python package that takes advantage of Graph Theory into a High Performance Computing (HPC) environment to develope a screening tool aimed at studying the effect of different kinds of perturbations in interconnected systems, such as industrial plants.

The tool allows to represent the dependencies between components and predict the state of health and the residual functionality of degradable systems after a casualty, suggesting the proper reconfiguration strategies to mitigate the damage. The results obtained from the graph analysis can be therefore used to improve topology, robustness, and resilience profile of industrial facilities against domino effect propagation.

In particular, the components contribution to the cascade effects resulting from adverse events can be evaluated through centrality and efficiency measures, highlighting the plants major criticalities, vulnerabilities and potential weak points.

GRAPE is freely available under the MIT License.
Download the source code at

GRAPE is currently developed and mantained at SISSA mathLab by

under the supervision of Prof. Gianluigi Rozza.

We acknowledge Aurora Maurizio for her substantial contributions to this package including the conception of the algorithm and the implementation of the original code.