ITHACA-FV - In real Time Highly Advanced Computational Applications for Finite Volumes

ITHACA-FV (In real Time Highly Advanced Computational Applications for Finite Volumes) is C++ library based on the finite volume solver OpenFOAM. It consists of the implementation of several reduced order modeling techniques for parametrized problems. ITHACA-FV can also be used as a basis for more advanced projects that would like to assess the capability of reduced order models in their existing OpenFOAM-based software, thanks to the availability of several reduced order methods and algorithms.

ITHACA-FV is designed for OpenFOAM 1812, 1906, 1912, 2006, 2012, 2106, 2112, and 2212 but can be easily adapted to other versions of OpenFOAM.

Linear and non-linear algebra operations not already implemented in OpenFOAM are performed with the external library Eigen. The source code of Eigen 3.4.0 is provided together with ITHACA-FV as a submodule and is located in the src/thirdyparty/Eigen folder. For the EigenValue decomposition it is also possible to rely on the Spectra library and the source code is provided in the src/thirdyparty/spectra folder. 

ITHACA-FV has been tested on ubuntu, centos, archLinux but can be easily compiled on any linux distribution with a compiled version of OpenFOAM (com version).

ITHACA-FV is freely available under the GPL 3 License

ITHACA-FV is currently developed and maintained mainly at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies by the group of Prof. Giovanni Stabile and at SISSA mathLab in collaboration with Prof. Gianluigi Rozza's group.

Contact us by email for further information or questions about ITHACA-FV, or suggest pull requests. ITHACA-FV is at an early development stage, so contributions improving either the code or the documentation are welcome!

This open source product is a deliverable in the framework of the project AROMA-CFD (H2020 ERC CoG GA 681447).