Shape optimisation in viscous flow by free-form deformation, dynamic mode decomposition and proper orthogonal decomposition with interpolation


Tuesday, 2 October, 2018 - 11:00

SpeakerNicola Demo

WhenTuesday, 2 October 2018 

Time: 11:00 AM

Where: Room A-133, SISSA main campus, Via Bonomea 265, Trieste

Title: Shape optimisation in viscous flow by free-form deformation, dynamic mode decomposition and proper orthogonal decomposition with interpolation

Abstract:  In  this  talk,  we  present  an  innovative  computational  pipeline  for  design  and  shape  optimisation.   Different  model  order  reduction  techniques  have  been  involved  in  order  to increase the global efficiency, while a non-intrusive approach has been chosen to enforce the pipeline modularity.  We use the free-form deformation for the parametric formulation of the domain,  the proper orthogonal decomposition with interpolation for the reduced basis space based on data and the dynamic mode decomposition as predictive data-driven model to accelerate the computionally expensive phase.  We focus on each components and provide technical details about their integration.  Finally, we show the numerical results obtained by applying the described pipeline on a shape optimization problem on a naval hull.


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