Title: A Reduced Basis Approach for PDE problems with Parametric
Geometry for Embedded Finite Element Methods
Speaker: Dr. Efthymios Karatzas (SISSA mathLab)
Time and Venue: 14:00 - SISSA main building room 133
Abstract: We introduce and discuss some results related to unfitted finite element methods for parameterized partial differential equations enhanced by a reduced order method construction. A model order reduction technique is proposed to integrate the embedded boundary finite element methods. Results are validated numerically. This methodology which extracts an unfitted mesh Nitsche finite element method in reduced order proper orthogonal decomposition method is based on a background mesh and stationary Stokes flow systems are examined. This approach achievements are twofold. Firstly, we reduce much computational effort since the unfitted mesh method allows us to avoid remeshing when updating the parametric domain. Secondly, the proposed reduced order model technique gives implementation advantage considering geometrical parametrization. Computational are even
exploited more efficiently since mesh is computed once and the transformation of each geometry to a reference geometry is not required. These combined advantages allow to solve many PDE problems more efficiently, and to provide the capability to find solutions in cases that could not be resolved in the past.