A mini course on Fluid-Structure Interaction will be given in the framework of AMMA and mathLab activities by Prof. Alfio Quarteroni (EPFL, Lausanne) on September 24 and 25, 2014.
The 8th International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference (ILCEC15) will take place at the Centre for Scientific Culture “Ettore Majorana” in Erice, between 2 and 7 October 2015.
A short research meeting on Applied Math in Fluid Mechanics is being organized to better enhance mutual knowledge of research activities in computational fluid dynamics carried out at SISSA mathLab and in the Industrial and Environmental Fluid Dynamics group at University of Trieste.
The Master in High Performance Computing (MHPC), held at SISSA and ICTP organises its first workshop. Training and Science are the two foundation pillars of this innovative educational program.
Presso lo StarHotel Savoia Excelsior Palace in Trieste, workshop di presentazione dei risultati del progetto UBE, Underwater Blue Efficiency, a cui ha partecipato SISSA con mathLab in cooperazione con MonteCarlo Yachts, Università di Udine, Cergol Engineering, DLM, Eidon Lab con Optimad, coordina