SISSA mathLab contributes to the development of software in computational science and engineering.
Here below you can find a list of our open source software already available.
ITHACA-SEM (In real Time Highly Advanced Computational Applications for Spectral Element Methods) is python3 library based on the spectral element solver Nektar++. It is a python implementation of several reduced order modelling techniques.
ITHACA-FV (In real Time Highly Advanced Computational Applications for Finite Volumes) is C++ library based on the finite volume solver OpenFOAM. It consists of the implementation of several reduced order modeling techniques for parametrized problems.
RBniCS is an implementation in FEniCS of several reduced order modelling techniques (and, in particular, certified reduced basis method and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition-Galerkin methods) for coercive problems. It is ideally suited for an introductory course on reduced basis methods and reduced order modelling, thanks to an object-oriented approach and an intuitive and versatiile python interface.
PyGeM (Python Geometrical Morphing) is a python library using Free Form Deformation, Radial basis functions, and Inverse distance weighting to parametrize and morph complex geometries.
PyDMD (Python Dynamic Mode Decomposition) is a python library that uses Dynamic Mode Decomposition for a data-driven model simplification based on spatiotemporal coherent structures.
WaveBEM is an opensource software for ship hydrodynamics simulations currently under development at SISSA mathLab.
EZyRB is a python library for the Model Order Reduction based on baricentric triangulation for the selection of the parameter points and on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for the selection of the modes.
multiphenics was a python library that aimed at providing tools in FEniCS for an easy prototyping of multiphysics problems on conforming meshes. In particular, it used to facilitate the definition of subdomain/boundary restricted variables and enabled the definition of the problem by means of a block structure.
BladeX is a Python package for geometrical parametrization and bottom-up construction of propeller blades. It allows to generate and deform a blade based on the radial distribution of its parameters.
GRAPE (GRAph Parallel Environment) is a Python package that takes advantage of Graph Theory into a High Performance Computing (HPC) environment to develope a screening tool aimed at studying the effect of different kinds of perturbations in interconnected systems, such as industrial plants.
ATHENA is a Python package for reduction of high dimensional parameter spaces in the context of numerical analysis.
PINA is a Python package providing an easy interface to deal with physics-informed neural networks.
GEA is an implementation in OpenFOAM of several numerical models for geophysical fluid dynamics.