
Digital Twins Development for Industry 4.0


This announcement is aimed to promote, through research paths focused on the exploring of scientific areas related to the new needs caused by the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19 and at the same time to consolidate the development of relations between the public research system and the regional economic and system. In particular:

Announcement for 1 research position - Mathematics Area (ref. prof. Rozza)



Metodi Numerici Avanzati per Problemi Parametrici di Fluidodinamica Numerica per Applicazioni Industriali / Advanced Numerical Methods for Parametrized Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications in Industry

Digital Twins in ODYSSEA Lab, SMACT Live Demo FVG (12 months, extension plan)


Deadline: November 1st, 2022 at 12pm
Apply here:
Research position number: 05 (cumulative call by University of Trieste)
Project: “Analysis, Design, and Development of Digital Twins Models for industrial processes and products for Live Demo SMACT Industry 4.0”
a. Development of Digital Twins of industrial machines with the final goal of

Research Associate on PRO3 project (24 months)


Deadline: November 8, 2022 at 1pm
Apply here:

Development of advanced scientific computing methodologies in complex systems with
applications in engineering, medicine and environmental sciences.

Smart Hybrid Energy Management System SHEMS


A new open position (12 months, renewable) as research associate  at SISSA, International School for Advanced Studies, Mathematics Area, mathLab, Trieste, Italy is available with deadline December 7, 2020 at 1pm (Rome time):

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