Projects list

Here below you can find the list of our projects.

EID - ROMSOC (Reduced Order Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Coupled systems) - H2020-MSCA-ITN-765374

ROMSOC is a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) project in the programme Innovative Training Networks (ITN) and part of Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions within the Horizon 2020 programme. The ROMSOC EID Network brings together 15 international academic institutions and 11 industry partners and supports the recruitment of eleven Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). Each ESR will be working on an individual research project in the host institution with secondments related to their research in other academic and industrial partners of the network.

DANIELI 3 (Fluid-structure interaction for industrial applications) – POR FESR 2017

SISSA is partner of Danieli 3 project (Danieli Research Center) that is funded by POR-FESR 2014-2020 - Activity 1.3.a – R&D.

Ottimizzazione di forme prodiere e poppiere di carena mediante l'uso di algoritmi parametrici sviluppati in ambienti open source - HEaD FSE

L’obiettivo del progetto è l’ottimizzazione delle forme di una carena mediante sistemi di parametrizzazione delle forme geometriche delle prua e delle poppa sia in condizioni di mare calmo di sia di mare mosso. La prima fase del progetto prevede la scelta di un sistema open source di parametrizzazione della carena con particolare attenzione alla definizione delle parti estreme prodiere e poppiere. Il parametrizzatore scelto dovrà essere abbinato ad un solver e ad un sistema di ottimizzazione pure essi di tipo open source.

POR FESR 2014-2020

POR FESR 2014-2020 is a European funding programme aiming to strengthen research and to foster technology and innovation advancement. 

The programme purposes include the collaboration among research and enterprises, towards innovation and environmental sustainability.

SISSA is partner of some of POR FESR 2014 – 2020 projects: SOPHYA and PRELICA:

ERC AdG MicroMotility (PI Prof. Antonio De Simone) 2014-2018

The aim of our research is to gain insight into the mechanics of biological motility (in particular, swimming and crawling of microscopic organisms), to distill the key principles that underlie successful locomotion strategies in Nature, and to exploit them for the conceptual design of bio-mimetic, self-propelled micro-devices. We use a combination of theoretical, numerical, and experimental tools to approach the problem of biological and bio-inspired motility from a multidisciplinary perspective.

ERC CoG AROMA-CFD (PI Prof. Gianluigi Rozza) 2016-2021

The aim of AROMA-CFD is to create a team of scientists at SISSA for the development of Advanced Reduced Order Modelling techniques with a focus in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), in order to face and overcome many current limitations of the state of the art and improve the capabilities of reduced order methodologies for more demanding applications in industrial, medical and applied sciences contexts.

ROM2S Reduced Order Methods at MIT and SISSA

The MIT-FVG project is, first of all, a big chance to create an important link between two of the major excellence research institute: SISSA and MIT. In SISSA mathLab, Prof. Gianluigi Rozza's group is the one focusing on ROM methodologies in CFD and structural problems. The opportunity of a cooperation with Prof. Anthony T. Patera's group ( and MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering is crucial from the scientific point of view. This collaboration is fundamental thanks to the bridge between the experience of an avant-garde scientific group, that has laid the foundations of the above - mentioned techniques, and a well coordinated young group with a special focus on industrial applications. In practice, it could be very promising and strategic to combine the structural nonlinear analysis of a plate governed by the Von Kàrmàn equations, carried out in SISSA, with the vibroacoustic problems in the RB context investigated at MIT. 
